in his early poetic stage believed in the theory of “art for life’s
sake”. But in the nineties, he became the advocate of “art for art’s
sake”. Influenced by the French Symbolist and the English Aesthetes he
started writing “pure poetry”, free from all the exterior decorations.
from the realities of life is one of the major romantic qualities.
Yeats was a greater escapist than Keats and unlike Keats he does not
want to come back into reality. Yeats’ early poems made him very popular
in the English middle class who wanted to escape from the ugliness and
crudity of the industrial civilization. So Yeats was able to carry his
readers into a kind of Celtic Twilight. In “Sailing to Byzantium” the poet disgusted with realities of life wishes to escape:
Once out of nature I shall never take
My bodily form from any natural thing,
is another romantic trait in Yeats’ poetry. Like Romantics, he also
wrote deeply personal poetry revealing his spirit, thoughts, feelings
and so on. In “Easter 1916”, he remarks on various persons who had been
close with him in his life. In “The Tower”, he is able to sublimate his
loss of Maud Gonne. He says:
Does the imagination dwell the most
Upon a woman won or woman lost?
for mythology is both a modern and a romantic trait. Yeats, like Keats,
was deeply in love with mythology. His early poems are bound in Irish
and Greek mythology. Many of his poems frequently refer to Helen of
Troy, Leda, Zeus, Aphrodite and Byzantium. There are dolphins,
nightingales, mythological beasts, sphinx-like figures and fairy
figures. He loves to go into the world of Byzantium. He says:
And therefore I have sailed the seas and come
To the holy city of Byzantium.
sense of melancholy is a common subject in most of the romantic poets. A
kind of lamentation on the disappearance of the good things is found in
most of the romantic poets. This sense of melancholy is also found in
Yeats’ poetry. He was in love with Maud Gonne but could not win her. So,
all through his life, he suffered from his sense of melancholy. He says
in “The Wild Swans at Coole” and feels himself defeated:
I have looked upon those brilliant creatures,
And now my heart is sore.
Yeats’ romantic trait is nostalgia for the old Ireland, Maud Gonne and
his past. Yeats feels nostalgic in his poem “Among School Children”. He
I dream of a Ledaean body, bent
Above a sinking fire,
for nature is one of the major Romantic traits. It is no exception
regarding Yeats. His love for nature can clearly be seen in “The Wild
Swans at Coole”. He sees calmness even in winter.
The trees are in their autumn beauty,
The woodland paths are dry,
used a rich imagery in his poetry. He was never fully liberated from
the 19th century romanticism despite his denial of romantic diction and
romantic imagery. In his early poems he uses the vague and beautiful
images of flowers, stars, birds, and mythical figures to escape from the
ugliness of his age. But in his later poetry he uses horrible the
realistic images like the image of the rough beast, as Yeats says, is:
——– a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight:
stated writing under the influence of Keats. In his early poems, there
are many references and parallels to the poetry of Keats. Influenced by
Keats, he wishes to escape into an ideal world of Byzantium and to
transform into a “golden bird”:
To set upon a golden bough to sing
To lords and ladies of Byzantium
faculty of Love, too, is regarded as a romantic theme. Yeats wrote a
large number of love-poems, but all of them cannot be regarded as
romantic. The romantic poets exalt and glorify love. But Yeats’ love is a
grand and sublime passion. The early work of Yeats does contain a
number of love-poems. His poem “Her Praise” begins with the idea that:
She is foremost of those that I would hear praiseda
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