Frost depicts the bright and the dark aspects, the benevolent and the
hostile forces of Nature in his poems on realistic terms.
Critics have a difference of opinion over his designation of a poet of Nature. Alvarez says that:
Frost is not a Nature poet.
point of view on which almost all the critics agree is Frost’s minute
observation and accurate description of the different aspects of nature
in his poems. Schneider says:
The descriptive power of Mr. Frost is to me the most wonderful thing in his poetry. A snowfall, a spring thaw, a bending tree, a valley mist, a brook, these are brought into the experience of the reader.
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
lines depict not only the beauty and the mystery of the snow filled
woods which hold the poet almost spell-bound but also describe the
helplessness of the poet who has no time because of his social
commitments. Thus the beauty of Nature and obligations of human life are
treated by Frost as two aspects of poet’s one whole experience in these
is primarily a realist who abstruse the things around him and in nature
as they are and describes them as such. That is why nature changes its
character from poem to poem in his poetry.

Be glad of water, but don’t forget
The lurking frost in the earth beneath
That will steal firth after the sun is set
And snow on the water its crystal teeth.
pastoral element is dominant in Frost’s poetry. That is why he is
considered as a poet of pastures and plains, mountains and rivers, woods
and gardens, groves and bowers, fruits and flowers, seeds and birds as
he was a farmer. Hence, nature was his constant companion. But what is
noticeable in his poetry is that even in the poems such as “Pastures”,
“Birches”, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”, “West Running Brook”,
“After Apple Picking”, “An Old Man’s Winter Night” and “Mending Wall”
it is the human factor which is predominant and nature is an integral
part of the themes of the poems. For worries and disappointments in life
make life miserable but the pet still clings to it because he loves the
unlike Wordsworth is not a nature mystic. He does not see any affinity
between nature and man nor does he find any spirit or power pervading
it. Nor does he find any healing power in it which can cure the ills of
society and man. For him nature is alien to man.
attitude to nature reflects the spirit of the present age whose
attitude to nature, like all other things, is scientific and realistic.
That is why he has not formulated any philosophy about nature. Nor do
his poems display the rare exalted moments which are displayed in the
poems of the romantic age, particularly in those if Wordsworth. Frost’s
poems describe simply his daily and common experience.
The imagery of Frost’s poems is also drawn upon the objects of nature.
“Loaded with ice a sunny winter morning” (Birches)
“And life is too much like a pathless wood” (Birches)
“The world of hoary grass” (After Apple Picking)
“A leaping tongue of bloom” (The Tuft of Flower)
“His long scythe whispering to the ground” (The Tuft of Flower)
are some of the images which have locked his poem with beauty and
sense. Though Frost is philosophic and not didactic yet his poems
usually convey the wisdom of his experience which may be termed as a
the panorama of nature presented in Frost’s poems not only offers a
feast of beauty to the view of the reader but also provides him
awareness of life. His sarcastic qualities find full expression in the
description of the scenes of nature. In the light of these views Frost
may safely be considered as a poet who gave and entirely new concept of
nature and is one of the great poets of nature.
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